who you are

god is good

fueled with joy

Essential tips

A quick fix

It's time to wake up, Sister!! The answers are already inside you! Truly. Even if you feel discouraged, hopeless or weak, you have an inner wisdom that is urging you forward!

My passion is helping you find that knowledge so you can own your own power. Let's awaken your joy and spark your own intuition with a quick fix of positive energy!

hey there!

No More Tears.

Every cook has experienced the crying that comes from working with onions in the kitchen. As soon as the knife cuts into the pungent onion, our human eyes begin to water and the floodgates open.

Did you know the energy for that familiar pattern can be cleared? It is so fun to cook without the tears, while recognizing how amazing energy work is! I am constantly amazed that my previous problem of tears in the kitchen is no longer an issue for me – all because of a simple energy release and affirmation.

If energy work can release my association with tears and onions, imagine what it can do in other more important areas of your life! Energy is everywhere and when we know how to work with the natural laws that are energy-based, life is experienced in new ways. We no longer react to those little bumps, we release the feeling of being stuck, and we are free to create our best lives. My knowledge of energy has released patterns and tendencies that have been passed on through my ancestors, as well as the false beliefs and patterns I developed on conscious and sub-conscious levels. Energy releases free us and allow us to feel whole. It’s a good feeling and I love to help my clients enjoy that level of peace and balance.

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who you are

god is good

fueled with joy

essential tips

a quick fix

It's time to wake up, Sister!! The answers are already inside you! Truly. Even if you feel discouraged, hopeless or weak, you have an inner wisdom that is urging you forward!

My passion is helping you find that knowledge so you can own your own power. Let's awaken your joy and spark your own intuition with a quick fix of positive energy!

hey there!