who you are

god is good

fueled with joy

Essential tips

A quick fix

It's time to wake up, Sister!! The answers are already inside you! Truly. Even if you feel discouraged, hopeless or weak, you have an inner wisdom that is urging you forward!

My passion is helping you find that knowledge so you can own your own power. Let's awaken your joy and spark your own intuition with a quick fix of positive energy!

hey there!

It’s the weekend!

I’m currently eating sliced apples (Pink Lady) and PBJ (raspberry jam is the best) and thinking of YOU.

You are probably feeling a weird mix of hope/peace/joy because that’s who you are and also some blahs because life has taken so many weird turns. 

But even through the chaos and confusion I hope you remember you are wired for joy. You are created to be joyful!!!! Even through the madness, your joy matters!!!

So, do something fun this weekend? 

Something that lights you up and reminds your soul to breathe? I promise it will lift your mood in every way! 

Get outside. Create. Gather. Experiment. 

Anything to help you feel alive! Why does this matter? When you fuel your soul with joy, you come alive and can do whatever is before you. It seems crazy but it works every time because it puts you back in synch. Joy unities your heart and mind and then everything feels easier. See? Your joy really does matter! 

So, let’s do it! Make your PBJs and have some fun this weekend! 

who you are

god is good

fueled with joy

essential tips

a quick fix

It's time to wake up, Sister!! The answers are already inside you! Truly. Even if you feel discouraged, hopeless or weak, you have an inner wisdom that is urging you forward!

My passion is helping you find that knowledge so you can own your own power. Let's awaken your joy and spark your own intuition with a quick fix of positive energy!

hey there!