Anyone who really knows me knows that the PTA has not been my thing. I am not the mom you call to do the classroom party. Praise all the moms that make that stuff happen, but it just hasn’t been for me. Call me to drop off the supplies. Call me to brainstorm how to transform the fundraiser. Call me to help solve a problem. But don’t make me sit in a classroom crafting with kids while creating a sugar overdose!
I paid my PTA dues because of peer pressure and contributed in other ways, but have not been an active volunteer.
I just got an email from the elementary Principal seeking volunteers for the PTA for next year.
Delete, delete, delete.
And then I felt a nudge in my heart. “This would be great. It’s a yes for you.”
No, I don’t do the PTA. The other moms do that.
And then I checked in and my intuition confirmed, it’s a yes for me.
I clicked onto the application and thankfully there was an option for someone not quite committed. 🙂 “Please contact me I have questions before I sign up.”
Questions like…what is happening? What in the world? What is the easiest way for me to volunteer without dying? 🙂
We will see where my PTA path leads but I have learned to trust that inner voice that speaks if I simply stop to listen.
This is happening for you too. Silly little ideas that you could easily dismiss OR simple ideas that you act upon that lead to the next right thing.
The answers you need, the next door to be opened, the unreal and miraculous opportunity/friendship/whatever is right there. But you have to know how to listen to that voice inside and give it a place to SPEAK!!!
Now, if you’re like me, it’s a one step forward, two steps back thing
My neighbor stopped by yesterday and paid me a compliment. While standing on my front porch as she left, she said, “I admire how you constantly monitor what’s not peaceful for you and make the change.”
Now, I’m like you and don’t always receive the compliment, but this one spoke to my soul because it’s something I really try to do. Cultivating peace matters to me. I could not blend life and business the way I do without making peace a priority.
She pressed on in her observations… “Seriously, you seem to always know what you need and you make it happen.”
Now, this part IS NOT true. I don’t always know what I need but I am constantly seeking it! 🙂 And I have learned to do a self-check of my energy to see what is sucking me dry and what needs to be adjusted.
I get quiet every day and look at the stuff that is bugging me. And then I set to work to meditate, find an answer, create a system, seek needed advice, use an oil, release the junk, or whatever it takes to up-level my energy!
What my neighbor was describing is ENERGY! She isn’t quite as woo-woo as I am, (though we did talk about muscle testing during her visit!) but this is what energy is to me. It’s being aware of what creates joy and making regular deposits into that bucket, it’s checking in with my spirit to see what my needs are and what I need to release, and it’s taking clear and inspired action to help me feel better all the time.
It’s a daily dance with Heaven and myself to see what needs to happen in order for me to be as free as possible.
I’m not perfect at this and I am constantly needing to try again, but I do consistently scan my own body to see how I really feel. I am attuned to the energy around me and I can identify when something isn’t in alignment.
This is intuition. And it’s inside all of us. It’s learning to trust the gut feelings and being okay to be wrong sometimes in order to learn how to be right more often.
If you are interested in more tools to create happiness, joy, and peace while using your intuition, join me on a future call!