You have dreams and ideas that are ready to be shared. Your sister, brother, friend, neighbor or random Facebook acquaintance needs you to open up and give the answers you have found. There is purpose in the lessons you have learned and you can end the struggle they face. In fact, you know you were […]
Just because you have a bad day or just because your child had record-breaking all around rotten day, you are not a failure. One of the quickest ways to feel down about yourself is to concur with your adversary that you are failing in any one area of your life. I have noticed that it […]
I have been operating on an average of five (5!) hours of sleep for the last several months. Despite every effort, our newest baby continues to wake up in the night. I have changed my prayers from “please help her to sleep through the night” to “please help me to endure and still be a […]
Woohoo!! I have thoroughly enjoyed the last two months with our new baby girl. She is amazing and reminds me of why I love my work and am passionate about helping others. I look at her beautiful face and want so much for her. More than anything, I want her to know how important she […]
You. Yes you! You were put on this beautiful earth to create an amazing life. Not just any life, a great life. A life that gives to others. A life of influence. A life that satisfies and invigorates you. You have everything you need to be a power player in your circle of friends and […]
If you believed that you could do anything, what would it be? I love the phrase, “She believed that she could and so she did.” Half of accomplishing anything in this life seems to be just in believing that we can do great things. I have been putting my positive thinking towards preparing for the […]